Free Download: Piano Muscle Builders for Older Beginners

I have been wanting for a long time to make a “muscle builder” technique booklet for older beginners – something similar to the My Muscle Builder Books but less cutesy and more concise, something that could be used by beginners who are teenagers or even adults. I finally have taken one that I made a couple of years ago and revamped it a bit, and I’m excited to offer it to you today as a free download!
Piano Muscle Builders, Level 1: White-Key 5-Finger Patterns covers all of the same material that is in My Muscle Builder Book 1, and much of the same material in My Muscle Builder Book 2. Concepts/exercises in this book include five-finger scales, simple arpeggios, “fancy” arpeggios, and block chords in the fourteen white-key major and minor keys.

As older beginners use this book, my goal is that they accomplish three main objectives: understand what they are playing, learn to play with good technique, and play with a musical purpose. To achieve these goals, this book contains more theory and terminology explanations than the My Muscle Builder Books; each page contains reminders of good technical practices; and exercises include articulation suggestions to make them musical.

I have also included a review at the end of the book to test students’ knowledge of the exercises learned. This review includes spelling all of the major and minor chords, playing the scales and chords all in a row, and notating the major and minor chords on the staff.

This resource is available as a free digital download and is 12 pages long. It may be downloaded in this post, or on the Muscle Builders page of The Teaching Studio Store, or on the Freebies page. I hope you enjoy it!
Piano Muscle Builders, Level 1: White-Key 5-Finger Patterns
12 pages
Jennifer Boster

2 Responses to “Free Download: Piano Muscle Builders for Older Beginners

  • Thanks for a Muscle Builder book for older students! It is great. I use all of your Muscle Builder books and my students really enjoy them as they learn important concepts.

  • You're welcome, Tonya! I think it was much-needed. Older students need to learn the same concepts, so it's great to have a better resource for them. Enjoy!

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